The House of Refuge Ministries

(828) 433-8921

Check-In Process


Each guest may arrive for our first come; first serve check in beginning daily at 4:30pm. Admission generally lasts until 8:30pm.

A Guests first night’s stay is free. Additional nights are $3.00 each by voucher purchase; assistance is available.

Guests must have two forms of ID, must pass a breathalyzer (0.00), and be able to completely care for himself physically, agree to a background and criminal history search (sex offenders and violent offenders cannot be admitted), turn in all weapons including pocket knives, turn in all medications including OTC. Items will be stored in a safe until check out. Random search of belongings may occur at anytime during stay.

Guests are given a copied description of House Rules and are expected to abide within shelter guidelines at all times. Management reserves the right to deny, revoke, suspend services, or contact law enforcement.

Shelter does not discriminate in regard to ethnicity, race or religion, has zero tolerance for harassment in any form, and is a drug and alcohol-free establishment. NO WEAPONS ALLOWED on premises.

Call-in is required for bed availability from Law Enforcement and Hospital Discharge scenarios. Capacity standards apply, including white flag status.